The Orient Blackswan School Atlas | Latest Edition
- Publisher : Orient BlackSwaan
- Author: Orient BlackSwan
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
The Orient Blackswan School Atlas eight Edition remains an important tool to learn the topography of India and other continents. Ideal for school students, it comes with minute detailing only to enrich their knowledge base. It comes with a new design and layout that focuses on detailed political and physical maps. Filled with up-to-date demographic and socio-economic data, it also includes an informative section on interesting world facts that will evoke the passion for learning geography. Furthermore, it comes with a CD-ROM that features interactive resources
Key features:
• detailed, up-to-date regional maps of India showing all twenty eight states and the eight union territories
• a special map of India depicting natural disasters, flood-and drought-prone areas and paths of cyclonic storms
• a map of India showing forest cover, national parks, sanctuaries, tiger reserves and biosphere reserves
• a special map of India showing rich cultural and natural heritage sites
• maps of India showing population, density of population, literacy and sex-ratio based on the 2011 census data
• a map of India showing the distribution of major religions in the country
• a unique map of India on space science together with a list of satellites launched since 1975
• three-dimensional histograms and pie graphs giving the latest statistical data for various states and union territories of India
• maps of all the states and union territories of India indicating the latest districts and their headquarters
• historical maps that introduce the student to the dynamic nature of social change in the world
• a map showing the SAARC countries
Tags: The Orient Blackswan School Atlas | Latest Edition, Orient BlackSwan, CBSE Class 10